Thursday, September 2, 2010


虽然想到最致命伤的一科PRST,想到failed的机率很大就很伤心,可是收到chye li的一封信息其中一段:
《考试卷交了,答案要改也改不了,分数多少,也是要改也改不了,所以人们总是去自找麻烦(比如我的唉声叹气和想太多)。如今,我们可以为自己作出选择, 1 怨声载道,从此一?不振 接着无心恋战 ;2 迅速振作, 调整心情, 重拾信心,准备迎战。

所以伤心也没用了啦,最重要的是,我尽力了~ 虽然会伤心没错,但伤心也只是一种不会影响我继续努力的情绪。下次要加倍努力才行。这些话从小听到大,听得厌了,但我还是要对自己不断重复,应为经典嘛~都说是从小听到大了咯!而且不加倍难道减倍咩?哈哈!

第一站:Port Dickson, 期待哦~ 尤其是枕头讲--pillow talk的时候,很多故事听哦~ 还有要丢谁下水? 期待!
第二站:在家吧,看我想看的戏,下载好听的歌,还有逛街一下下,买一些衣服,保养品,好有炼炼喉,当然还有好好休息,但好好休息应该是最难做到的,既然这么忙,怎能好好休息~ “蒲松龄” 很好看! 好有很多我很想看的电影,比如恋爱通告啊~ 几时可以去看呢?同时在找着工。有工记得介绍我啊~我会感激你们的。
第三站:Kuala Selangor,和SSG去的。期待又有什么好笑的事情发生,这次我绝对不要睡了,不然会错过很多好戏,哈哈~ 会有什么新话题?很期待~同时,也很想捉一只萤火虫回来,可是...这样不好,算了吧~ :D


Saturday, August 14, 2010


so fast i'm already a senior in diploma...
and so fast semester 1 is going to end after this final exam..
i will study hard^^ even though sometimes i lazy, feel sleepy to facing book o whatever~
because, after exam, i will sleep more than enough, play til maximum at the same time will working also..gua? ya, will work la...^^
so, all the best for those who also having final exam, fighting!! :D

Thursday, August 12, 2010


i just need more time....
u say u can understand but i dun think so...
hope u can understand wat i mean...=)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

whr r u??

whr r u all?
neva had u all"s footprint here...
2 way communication is important for me...XD

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Saturday, July 31, 2010



WGSC fund raising campaign

所以,这次的主题是 we give we share we care.
p/s: pr is always have to be social responsibility ma~ =)
可是你们懂的啦,我们这么废,一定有另外给我们的主题取外号,那就是“we sell we gain we tired" 哈哈哈~
第一次做章鱼烧,炸薯条,nugget,hot dog,(偷吃)~
第一次拿着食物在学校走来走去叫人家来买>.< 第一次这么累, 第一次发现人们对社会的关心与同情心, 第一次感觉到好像在pasar malam当小贩(被纠正了,因为用错方法,太吵了) 不过,真的真的很开心。学了很多,很多人想要尝试也未必有机会吧? 虽然有被老师责备,因为我们用错方法了,往往只想要达到目标(rm80 000) 而忘记了最初的目的,是要让别人知道,我们不是在卖东西,而是义卖!! 加油! DPR 2 10/11~ 很蒙的一张照片哦~算是最多人的一张了吧~虽然不是全班~

对fish flakes 情有独钟,自己买章鱼烧的时候会放很多,谁叫这是self service~ haha 不过我还是没有这样做..



Saturday, July 24, 2010


imma busy for 1 week dy...
almost everyday busy for assg, presentation..
~eng assg n presentation
~basic photography assg
~public speaking presentation (happy wif my coursework mark) :D
finally i done all this stuff in this week...congratez me...hehe

2day i'm so free~ julius class no teaching but all of us were talking bout ghost story~
our tutor Mr.Julius talk bout ghost story happened in V block (the block i always study at) and the incident was happened in the class we talking bout the story~
really scare....>.<
and of course the toilet!!
i was so fear until i imagine that is thr will be a hand cum out from the hole of d toilet when i'm over thr...

take gud rest in this 2 days by goin to genting and then i will start my event on monday~ It is WGSC (we give share & care) fund raising campaign.
this campaign is to raise fund for charity purpose.
the fund will be send to poor chinese primary school to build computer lab and mini library... so it is quite meaningful to do this, not oni juz for our coursework marks...but i really hope can help them since we all know chinese primary school is oni semi government, so they might need help sometimes...=)

ops, i'mma over promote bout this~ btw, i'm juz feel excited with it.
it will be a tired and meaningful campaign..(i noe it is tired after i been thru our Pre event) XD

so, all the best for DPR2~
after this event, i muz rest to the maximum!!
buy the things i want~ shopping~ do gym~ play badminton~ hehe
and the last n most important is, to sleep~

sleeeeep~ ZzZzzzZz

Thursday, July 22, 2010


觉得很好笑, 当你们叫着我的时候,其实我自己也不太习惯, 而且回应得很迟钝~ 哈哈
然后,有人随着我也要取洋名了hor? 真是copycat~XD
这样也很好啦, 可以弄给你们笑,感谢我吧~

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


hurm...wait for 3months, finally i got to know my new name...haha~
i'm sure all of u guy not used to call my new name, su xuan...lolz =.="
but anyway, just to tel u guys i changed name, this name is suit my birthday all those stuff la...or fate la, whatever ~
and so i just trust it...
a new name,perhaps it symbolized new beginning of life~ reborn ar? haha...(think too much)
my cousin told me that, when the age of 19 is the age to determine ur life, we change the most in this age, one thing that i worry the most is i fear i'm getting lazy and simply spend money...>.< so just want to give advice to myself and this blog as a prove that i promise myself not to have negative changes...
hmm... btw, i got 1 more nickname, "Vannessa"....
i've been store dis name for so many years finally i take it out and use back dis name...dun confused ya...a nickname help ppl to rmb u more instead of su ying, su yee, su xuan...XD hahaha...i think it is better for me when meet new ppl...
dats all for today...XD

Saturday, July 17, 2010


A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heart
Wasn’t put there to stay -
Love isn’t love
'Til you give it away.
~Oscar Hammerstein, Sound of Music, "You Are Sixteen (Reprise)"
(Thanks, Krystel)

Love doesn't sit there like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all of the time, made new. ~Ursula K. LeGuin

The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it. ~Jacques Prévert

If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time. ~Edith Wharton (i like this the most!)

The past is behind us, love is in front and all around us. ~Terri Guillemets

Wisdom begins at the end. ~Daniel Webster

It would be impossible to "love" anyone or anything one knew completely. Love is directed towards what lies hidden in its object. ~Paul Valéry, Tel quel, 1943

I am not a has-been. I am a will be. ~Lauren Bacall

Promises are like babies: easy to make, hard to deliver. ~Author Unknown

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
~Dr. Seuss

Sunday, July 11, 2010

i don't want to go back

suddenly feels like dun want to go back, i just want to stay at here.
everything is nice here, fun here, happy here...
but i know this good moment wil becum history in one day...
so i cherish everything now,
my fren is so caring,
my dear cousin, u all are the best~
when i'm alone, i feel lonely and emo,but,
i never feel lonely as u all are in my life, especially in this meantime...=)
appreciate it!


你看 世界没有毁灭 心也没有碎

所以 别再沉溺有他的回忆 有空再回忆
离开你的只有他 但是爱还在

听我说 爱是对的 错的是 我们还没学会爱
就急着爱人 而爱错人
可是 爱就对了 遇到下一个 爱上就爱了
痛苦或快乐 都是获得

我想那是人必经的折磨 Yeah~
也许每个人都该是某个人 成长的助手
受一点苦痛 帮助她成熟

听我说 爱是对的 错的是 我们还没学会爱
就急着爱人 而爱错人
可是 爱就对了 遇到下一个 爱上就爱了
痛苦或快乐 都是获得

别探听他的线索 别等待他会回头
爱~ 不喜欢看人软弱
别继续把心封锁 别躲在伤心里头
爱~ 万一来了别错过

爱是对的 错的是 我们还没学会爱
就急着爱人 而爱错人
可是 爱就对了 遇到下一个 爱上就爱了
痛苦或快乐 都是获得

听我说 爱是对的 错的是 别人自以为懂爱
才会又爱人 又伤害人
可是 爱就对了 爱了就值得
爱这门功课 艰深但快乐 爱就对了 x2

作曲:Kate Elizabeth Voegele

Saturday, July 10, 2010

new life


可是我相信,时间 可以冲淡一切,



Sunday, July 4, 2010


我讨厌带着笑脸的面具!!! =(

Saturday, July 3, 2010


为什么 为什么
我试过去编辑layout把我的gadget们都放在旁边, 可是view blog的时候就会不见?



Saturday, June 26, 2010


一直出去这里那里的,虽然身负重任(拍照做assignment at all time),可是总算有玩到很多~
去了1utama shopping 晚上又一大班出来喝茶,还玩真心话大冒险,探了一个秘密,原来这个时代真的有一见钟情~

第二天去the curve 和 desa park city...
这两个地方都是很有气质,都是很适合给情侣的地方~.~ the curve 中间是露天的,一排走廊挂满了灯而左右有两排店,大多数是cafe,在外面很难找到这么有气质的cafe,而且是有很多间。有机会一定要去看看~
desa park city,高级住宅区的公园,游乐场很高科技,单身的可以去找金龟婿,哈哈:D 不过再走的时候也拍了很多照片,我会upload到fb...soon XD

接下来这几天有喝茶又去了很多地方,我想还是有照片来表达会比较好~save energyXD

Friday, June 25, 2010

i'm not

u think i'm fine?
sorry i'm not...
u think i'm happy?
sorry i'm sad...
u think i think u r give me what i want?
sorry u r not...
other people may think i'm satisfy with my life?
sorry i'm not...=(

Friday, May 28, 2010



Monday, May 24, 2010


Yeah, finally challenge life coming to my life again....
But too challenging, i scare....>.<
Today is the 1st day of skul, wif tutorial, only i feel i'm a second year student...
The work is getting tough and challenging, v got a event on September... Hah, it remind me the course i take...Because all the stuff i studied in year 1 is...errr...not much related~
Challenge 1- Timetable... my timetable sux >.< 3 out of 4 semester i got class on Saturday...
Challenge 2- It is the time that i have to put more effort on study, hope can cope with it since my work is much more difficult... hopefully i can do it better than year 1...Em, at least maintain...=D
Challenge 3- No matter how far, how rarely we contact or meet each another, i hope our relationship, our friendship will not fade...i will try my best out if i can, so no matter whr r u all going, i'm glad if u all do inform me...

Thursday, May 20, 2010


(p/s: 不是故意的,只是十六岁的妹和大人的差别刚好是我想跨越的)


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bill Zzzz

Hurm...haven't really start to earn money but i have a lot of thing to buy~
So that i wanna print this bill in my blog so that always remind me what i'm looking for, n good for me when i'm lazy??

It's kinda short but the grand total is scary for a gurl who just...1..9...y e a r s o l d...:D

1. Bag (currently aim the esprit 1) Rm 169.90
2. Everlast shoe, the nice 1 Rm129.90
3. Something firming >.<>
4. Skin product such as sun block, day cream,night cream, essence...fuyoh! estimated Rm 150
5. Mask, a must Rm.... below 50
6. Many many shirts and dress that can change my look but doesn't changing my style Rm?? (Ms. Infinite)
7. Perm hair devices, dun know what it call!! just want to make my hair curly sometimes Rm
8. Dye my hair Rm60 budget nya~
9. A lot of trips... 5 years to achieve :D

Grand total = Rm 659.80 + infinite //

Want to be change, want to be look fresh....should take it Step by step...
But how long will it take? =D

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No Pw


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

*new updated* ._.

phew, long time din update my blog ard~
struggle hard for my final nowadays. Today just done my electronic publishing paper, i can't estimate my marks because i dunno my coursework mark~ but i think can pass, have to be confident ma!! XD
now work hard for the next paper lo...n now i realize the meaning of "study hard", it refers to "study is really very hard"...hahaha~ But have to enjoy dis process la...we are sophisticated, study hard fren... n gud luck to those who having exam now~

need you now

Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now

Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without I just need you now


Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all

It's a quarter after one I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little

although u not alive but i need you now~

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


hurm...feel hard to breathe, all things come at once...the atmosphere is full with things i cant breathe smoothly...XD n also because of my light running nose...=D
i think now is the time for me to learn how to manage my time, financial (pro nya~), n relationships...
its time to learn how to become a mature gurl...(or woman...? XD)
i need time to deal with all these things, but now all come together and it make me so headache... my brain stuck with all those thing such as how to becum a rich gurl...or woman...hahaha
no la,seriously, is how to prevent short of money by manage the use of money...
Grow up is quite sad also, but not a tragic la...cuz have to start facing the problem that we never know when we are small...but hope that when we matured we will think that is super suffer "process" is worth... because we had understand life better...grow up doesn't mean u r mature, depends on how u think when some incident happen..
hope it make me stronger...

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Tears keep drop from my suffer with it....
once wake up already like dat...
i think i'm going to be sick, oh no, i'm already sick...
izit this is today's free gift for me? =D
kinda suffer from my burning eye, headache, little bit fever and running nose.

so pls prevent it, or else your parents thought u r crying if they saw u...XD
drink more water, eat less heaty stuff, n wanna advertise "cool rhino", a very nice drink which can make your body cool~ it taste like, try it! hehe

p/s i learnt to be more positive thinking after learning psychology..hehe...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

sem 2 result

yo~finally i get my 2nd sem result today....
thanks for u 2 kepochi check for me....haha....=D
although not gud as sem1 but stil ok la...not too bad...drama stil can get B+...
satisfy wif it, dat is enough for me, because i knew i play too much in sem 2....hehe =)
here is my result:

eng for comm B+
tamadun A
Pr A-
Mass media A-
intro 2 Drama B+

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


i love you
love you

just 1 2 say

28 th feb....
so much of thing appear in my mind....
i hesitate...i consider and a lot....
n finally i made an decision....
although faz but i no regret....=)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

izit neccessary?

sometimes quiet is good, being unconscious is great...
so thr will be less problem occur...
gud thing muz share, but even is gud thing hav its own privacy...

not goin to write so much moody thing....=)

my result will be release on this thursday, kinda nervous and exciting...
i dun think my result will be great but at least maintain...pls god...
still ask cl dunid to worry but after that i worry bout it...

Monday, February 22, 2010

bad news

i got a bad news 2day...>> change in new timetable...
i hate "u"!!

mon 8.30am - 10.30am (T) AHLA1003 <>

tue 7pm - 9pm (L) AACS1623 <>

wed 8.30am - 10am (T) AHLA1003 <>
10am - 12pm (L) AHLA1003 <>

thur 12pm - 2pm (L) AHLA1003 <>
7pm - 9pm (L) AACS1623 <>

sat 10am - 12pm (T) AACS1623 <>
12pm - 2pm (P) AACS1623 <>


*很舍不得你们,你们对我实在太好了,我早就把你们当家人这样看待了~ <3

Saturday, February 13, 2010



Friday, February 12, 2010

我想呐喊! 大声地喊!我想这是最好的地方了吧~
可能是我太得空了,把一些没有联系的事联接在一起了,从我无端端想听love song到我换pm的时候,我都把它们连接在一件事情里了,很甜蜜的感觉,可是不是从爱情里得到的。

很多人都会看不懂,我只是纯粹想表达我的心情 ;D....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

















There is totally 8 days i can enjoy my cny at klang~ But i have no idea how to use it to maximum~ The 1st and 2nd day of cny is surely booked for fnr (family and relatives) hahaha =D...The 3rd of cny mayb go sing k with cousin, but the price mayb quite expensive. But i think it's ok~ We have ANG PAU wad!!! XD And the 4th and 5th of cny's schedule are remain empty. I'm quite easily available for those 2 days, so ever give me a call when u wanna go out. =) While 6th and 7th is booked for lame group~ really hope i can enjoy this cny very much...X)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010



今天我测出来的事情是我所犹豫的事情,可能也是一直常在我心里最深处而我却发现不到的事实,这个测验仿佛揭开了答案。这是每个人都想知道的答案,应为和我们的人生紧紧相连。这个结果给了我一直以来都找不到的答案,所以我相信了它~ 但是我相信了,我却有点后悔,因为我觉得我过分了。我今天有点后悔,也很不喜欢我这样的性格,因为我每次都为了自己所做的事和说过的话而后悔。如果,我能三思而后行,我还会不会后悔?
难道这是对人的考验? 因为人是在为太多话语和行为感到后悔因为他们还做不到三思而后行,所以这个世上才会有冲动,据说冲动是恶魔。所以不要像我这样,太冲动了,怒与哀别摆在脸上,辛苦的不只是别人,而也包括自己。


Thursday, February 4, 2010


在等着“下一站,幸福”第十九集时我在家里快闷爆了~ 突然想到以前看过的“败犬女王”还没有看完,所以就开来看了。几个月前我只看到第十九集,所以趁现在闷得发慌的时候把它看了。
本来今天就停在上一个blog了,可是看完这集之后很想说, 败犬女王第二十集实在太好看了!!
从lucas和无双吵架到和好,实在让我受益良多~哈哈哈 他们吵架的时候也能这么帅气,帅气的来又都道理,都是为了现实生活而吵架。和好的时候又可以这么浪漫,浪漫中一点也不夸张。虽然只是一部戏,但是也演得太真了吧!其实我只得不是演员,而是剧情。
p/s 其实要想开,一秒就可以想开了!



Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Photo time!!!

Sun rise~ But when it rise up, we record it,so i didn't take picture. And too noisy as we keep talking so i just upload the picture. XD

6 in the morning, me and another friend plan to see sun rise~
The sky is getting brighter.
Brighter~ Not too clear because i'm using my hp to took all these picture.

It is street light, not the sun...!! XD
Street light as usual..haha

Finally we were assure the direction that the sun rise~ A little bit light there.

The sun is rising up!!!!!! O.o

Yeah~~ sun rise!! =P
The leng zai that we saw in tbr. "earphone guy" from Kuantan. Ish, checking his background? NOPE, my friend kenal dia lah...XD
Only 1 picture, siao meh?! Not dare take so much (who take de ar~~?) . Look like spy man!! XD Is he leng zai? (hiao!)

Khalil fong~ woow! He looks so leng zai in all these pictures. I found out what he attracted me..XD

He is good in singing and create song. But same as jam xiao, less talk~

He have blog also, but i don't know the address...>.< He is sooo thin... "paper man"

hehe =)

Always 4 or 5 in the morning only go to bed. Crazy~ And another friend.

zi lian...XD
Happy Burfday~ if duno what actually happen please read my very very previous entry~ here is the picture for that day...=D

Don't have me, because my picture not in my phone~ so i dunid upload mine...hahaha...=D Thx wei jia again...


This is the 3rd times i blogging but hope this time can succesfully post it. Quite fed up la because the 1st 2 times when i almost done my long and funny entry, my laptop is "NOT RESPONDING" again! ish!! Then just let it be, kinda sad the 2 previous entry was failed to post. =(
The 1st post is about midst, everything must in the midst. Neither too high nor too low. Lets see la, if a people too wealth, the happiness is only fullfill by material but their mentally is poor ; poor people can be rich in mentally, having warm friends and family but their life is hard, they have huge burden to live their life. So middle is the best! Best not must the best~ Still have many thing i related but kinda lazy to type it out.
And so, when i'm lazy to study, i just apply this theory, y study so hard? middle gred can ady! Study too hard will going to be mad, oe even cause mentally problem. Yet, can't didn't study at all as well or else it waste money...XD

The 2nd post is about i'm going to be bite by spider soon if i'm not going out. And the sushi game "sushi no suki" and "sushido" make me want to eat sushi. Then yesterday i went to aeon buy. Afterthat i realize i still want to eat, i wanna go sakae!!!!!! And of course want to write about friday stuff la. I'mma going to interview the promoter at damansara. Kinda scary because the interview seems hard. But it just only 1 time, after that will be ok.

Yeah! it successfully to post!=D

Sunday, January 31, 2010


我又想写了(还是用“我”开头),看来我真的很爱我。哈哈~ 刚才不知道怎么了,可能太闷了,想到那些白痴的东西吧。今天出去唱歌和看戏,但很可惜不是十个人。希望下次真的会十个人!今早唱歌,我破音了,虽然之前都破过很多次,不过比之前严重,而且好像越来越烂。可能是太久没有运动加唱歌了吧,要多唱了。又可以炼丹田,燃烧脂肪,放松心情,忘记烦恼~ =)可是有一次不小心用到丹田,很厉害哦,突然喊到又不会喘。哈哈,就连我自己都吓倒。

然后去看戏,看了fame过后更想唱歌了。我被macro深深的吸引了,他唱歌太有感情了~而且很帅哦~ 笑容是灿烂的。(p/s 我爱他轰轰烈烈最疯狂)为什么我的眼睛会这样,是可能太迟睡了,所以想养眼吧~ 哈哈
还有那个黑人也一样,怎么可以唱到这么厉害?!我甘拜下风!!>.< 黑人小姐,我喜欢你的R&B风,太有型了~你的抖音很稳而且转得很快,除了方大同,我也崇拜你。

这部戏是蛮好看的啦!有点像high school musical的。可以去看哦~




Friday, January 29, 2010















Thursday, January 28, 2010


ah ben~刚才在fb看到ah ben新upload的照片~
很想念他哦~ 他现在看到我会不会觉得陌生呢?希望不会,以前每次都会跟他玩~
这么多小孩当中,最喜欢就是他,他很cute!!!! XD

38 group

A little bit thing to say before i depart from hostel to my home!!
Thanks 38 group! =D I like the belated present so much! I don't care is belated ok...=)hehe
I really tought will be the things in the mms but u all suddenly change it...
Anyway, thx...
Sem break start~ C u guys 3rd sem~

Sem Break Woohoo

Finally i don't have to envy my friend who done their exam earlier than me because i'm now enjoying my sem break too~ yeah! ^^v
Once i finished my last paper-stupid freaking hard to study subject--> Public Relations i didn't have any special feeling. What i felt on that time is, my hand is pain!! Because i used too much effort on my hand to write it and hope that i can score and maintain my CGPA.=)

And now gotta think how could i spend my holiday with fun and meaningful and unforgetable (please think positive side for unforgetable XD )
First meaningful and fun thing i think is falls on this saturday, hope that day will be filled with fun and joy with all the lame group members~ I'm waiting the day for so long.
Second thing will be watch autumn's concerto! I wanna stay at my home like an addicted heavy tv viewer, non stop watching at the computer and tv screen, i wan't to watch all the drama and movie i want to watch but can't watch during exam period. Woohoo~
Third thing will be get a part time job, i think. Perhaps...Maybe...? Because short of money nowadays and wanna earn some $ to use in third semester (for entertainment and food). Maybe u guys will think i'm a good planner and go ahead! Trust your feeling! i'm really a good planner, haha! =D But i think i'm good in planning about my entertainment. >.<
Fourth thing is depend on u guys. Let you guys bring me and also urself a meaningful, and unforgetable day or week or month with me~ Understand? o.O...haha
Last but not least will be the CHINESE NEW YEAR, we all can dress leng leng and makan makan. And, i'm ready to face those who say i become fat.haha =D By the way, i don't care about it anymore, because my target is i wan't u all say i slim in the following CNY...I swear!! And the ang pau as well, i'm sure it will make me a happy and meaningful and unforgetable chinese new year.

Ok, this is the last and least! Wish all the tarcian happy holiday!
Happy chinese new year and happy valentine's day =)

Monday, January 25, 2010


我,不想读书~ 朋友都回去了,我很闷!
应该是读书读傻了吧?朋友,你觉得我会读到傻吗? 还是我本来就很傻? 哈哈哈~~

crazy again

I considering whether want to let this entry be private or just left it post like that. Because when u all get to know what i'm doing you guys will think i'm crazy...But nevamind la,all of us are friend so just post for you guys to enjoy~

Nowadays always thinking of khalil fong, maybe i fall in love with him. Always think he will marry with me. So yesterday decided not to think of him again and want to concentrate in study. (my nighmare is in wednesday) Then we go to our hostel study room~~ (for study purpose)! But, i hate myself, i didn't study there but drawing khalil face on paper stil take picture with it. Then only i realize my drawing skill is still remain in standard 1 level, if you guys want to see please make sure don't laugh at it or else i will hurt. >.<

Here is the picture! don't laugh! i can hear the laughter!

Ok, 1 picture is enough!

Then leave my table messy and go out from study room and walk around at hostel for fun.

After come back, still thinking i wasted my time just now in doing nonsense so have to start study. But i'm failed again. We are too pro in acting. I act pregnant and the baby is with kxxxxl fxxg...=..=

Saturday, January 23, 2010


第一届myfm至尊流行榜颁奖典礼歌曲创作奖与金曲奖,是由方大同领到的!! 且金曲奖是特别包括myfm dj 选的哦~
他果然是个实力派的歌手啊! 我的眼光果然很好~哈哈~

然而至尊海外男歌手奖却由陈奕迅拿到~也恭喜他~ 他也是一个实力派歌手,因为我见证过他的实力。他唱了“七百年后”,得却很好听!



力赛克, 力赛克!
我也很环保, 我最近都从拾旧货,听旧歌!
最近迷上了旧歌, 越旧越好的旧歌, 尤其是英文旧歌, 老歌也受!
爱上了旧歌的同时,就就是说上上了慢歌, 迷恋慢与伤感的旋律~
例如说,MLTR的歌,像take me to your heart, 25 minutes, blue night, paint my love, that's why you go away...很好听!
还有有些旧歌比如the carpenters 的yesterday once more, the colour of he night, never had a dream come true, what should i do之类的。
虽然是力赛克, 不过还是有听新歌,不过特别爱慢歌。可能是被旧歌影响吧!

突然又用回华语了,因为太就没用了。 嗯...其实是我不会用英文来介绍这首歌! 哈哈~ 它就是~~~ 一辈子存在-萧敬腾! 原来它很早就已经在我电脑了,可是一直都没有认真听过。 但是最后被我发掘了~ 是好听的!很伤感的旋律,听了也会融入其中,然而歌词是感动的。说明了对的人是不容易找到的,一旦找到了对的人就不要轻易放弃!

城市里 人影交替
有多少 机会交集
不期然相遇 意外的美丽

Oh 爱 是变得很想依赖
爱 是想要陪你醒来
Oh 爱 想向你在未来

眼眶里 季节交替
记忆里 人来人去
我们都年轻 别害怕爱情

是关於期待 那一句对白
让我懂了爱 感觉终究无可替代

Oh 爱 是变得很想依赖
爱 是想要陪你醒来
Oh 爱 想向你在未来

Oh 爱 想向你在未来
想做你 一辈子的爱

crazy things

Nowadays done too much of crazy things. For me is many and crazy! 2 days before exam, I’m so hardworking and I was shocked for it, I study and study until I forgot the time is moving on. Once I raise my head and look at the time display on my honey computer screen, shit! It was 5 in the morning. What the, I’m study until so late. Never study like so “addicted” before. May be college cannot play play anymore, should serious in study, and I’m aware of it. XD

These mean times always sleep at very deep night and also the very early morning ya. 4 5 6 a.m. is the time for me to go to the bed. This habit can’t let my parents to know. If not die for many times and will let them chop. (I think only la, but they won’t)

There are few crazy things for my college life too. But that is impossible for me to describe how crazy it is. So I just roughly briefly shortly not extraaaa elaborationly to tell u all how crazy I am.

== > I’m on9 at canteen and suddenly feels like want to yamcha, den 2a.m. I go out to tbr yamcha. 2a.m le!!!!! Then we take 2 hours time at there, 4a.m only we came back.

== > Still awake at 5a.m and my friend suddenly ask me to see sun rise. And I’m on! 6a.m go down to canteen and what I thought is totally different as what I saw that day. I thought all the people are sleep deeply in each of their room but it was not! There are 11 people in canteen, some are on9-ing and some of them are studying. Crazy than me! Then we chat and wait the time to pass, it was fun. The weather is cold and the sky was dark. I had capture the sky from dark to bright. At 7.41a.m, I saw the sun, the sun is rising!!! >.< it was really excited to see that, I feel that every new day is a new hope. But it is more excited to waiting the sun to rise. There is a hope in my and I’m no regret for sacrifice my sleep to see it. Try it!

== > The day before exam, too panic to face the book. And I’m whole day stay the cousin’s room, summmore play badminton at the night until midnight. Then go back home take bath and do other thing else but no study! Because I studied yesterday, so I’m relax…hahahahaha

== > That’s all for my crazy thing. For me I think there is a lot and crazy but I don’t know how u think about it. And it all happened in 2 weeks time, or may be 1 week. It doesn’t matter lah!! =)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

like that


Monday, January 18, 2010

Good 1

Today was so so so so so boring! I'm stay at my room whole day and din talk at all except when i go down to buy food. In the room, i look at the book, the book look at me, we look each other. So i'm not going to repeat it again tomorrow. I swear! This kind of feeling, one day is enough for me.

Finally i cant bear of the bored atmosphere in my room and then about 12.30 i came down to hostel canteen to online. The bad thing had gone and there will be the good one come in the next. So the good thing is the hostel wireless line become so fast. Even can go cafe world~ Everything will be like that, (but i don't hope that tuesday paper will be bad even though i hope friday paper come with the good 1), this theory is not apply in exam~ Haha..=D

After the good thing, is it the bad thing will come again? Life is just like a roller coaster, ya! The bad thing come again, which is my laptop is out of battery and there is no place for me to charge it in canteen. So i got to go....BAD! This theory is scarly, but we have to accept it as roller coaster theory as it is true. Then let me adjust to let my exam paper is in the "good 1" situation...haha~

Bye then~

Saturday, January 16, 2010

a "piece" of random entry

Too many different things to write so i titled it as "random"....
The previous entry that i wrote about "leave some comment" was really work. And i guess you guys start drop comment there is because want to foster gud relationship with me...haha =D But anyway thanks for the cooperation...hohoho~ And at the same time i'll hope you guys will keep going on with this.

Phew~ I just done the second subject in my final >> AEMS 1512 Tamadun Islam dan Asia >> tanslated >> Apple Elephant Money Sueying 1512 Islam and Asia Country...Translator : me =..=..
Too free to do so because i just done this paper and now i soak myself into my little sanctuary again in hostel cc... After a hard day sure i will want to relax. And the only thing i can do for my entertainment now is on9 since i have no where to go. So i found blogging is a little corner for me to relax. Thank you blogger... Today~ I've started the paper at 9 in the morning and i done it before 10.30 so i decide to go out earlier. Then jessica also done hers about same time with me. This is the first time i done it so fast because when i'm doing question No.8 , i heard " ok, you may start writing now." from one of the examiner... Walao A, that time only i know actually cannot do the paper yet. How come i don't know huh? But neva mind lah...its over~

Yesterday, I received a message from wj. She ask me and jess go to her room because she has something to show us. I wonder why, then we just go. Once i enter her room, i'm not see her and even for her slander shadow. Then i thought she was so childish hide behind the door to scare me (i admit i think too much) but she was not. Then she appear so sudden like a ghost, haha and she holding a cake. 3 of us, cl jess and me was so suprise with it. At that moment, i thought she want to celebrate cl birthday but then she say is for 3 of us. I really so suprise and i'm sure cl and jess too. Really touch about it~~~ Thank you wei jia!! =') And we take some picture, and also video...
The same words agaon, i'm now at cc so i can't upload the picture. So please do visit my blog may be i upload all of these picture together at one day.

Nowadays, i always sleep in the "early" morning... Today i found my dark circle is getting serious! @@ so i have to start do my eye mask again, and try to sleep early. Hope i can really do so...! Fighting! And there is 3 more subject to go, i will try my best, to maintain my CGPA 3.65 or above. Hope everyone who having the same final with me good luck in their exam~

c ya~

Thursday, January 14, 2010

HP stand for....?

Do you all know what hp stand for? hand phone? hp pc?
NO! Hp for me is actually stand for Hiao Po...hahaha
I went to tbr to having my dinner and when we was about time to kira~ Then we saw our headphone guy at there and i quickly try to tell wj and cl about that by using a pair of my scanner eyes but they failed to catch it...
But i hiao lo, i then send message for them to inform them although both of them was just sit besides and in front of me...
And, somemore ask cl help me to take his picture but unfortunately i can't share it with you all now because i'm now at cc and i can't upload the picture~
so, if you want to see leng zai, please do always visit my blog! haha....
p/s beloved visitor, as you know talk is free, typing is free and leave some comments does not cost u does not harm u even 1 hair and it can foster a gud relation with me when u leave some words in either chat box or whatever lah! so don't be quiet k....leave some comment la....If not i'm boring man!


Time pass so fast...i'm still remember last year today i'm still working at pcs and now i'm already study at college for the second semester. Today is the first day of my final and it is also my b'day... Just "nice" they crash =.=
yesterday i got a very funny clb in hostel because when someone pass the present for me and she look so.......err.....hahaha...hard to decribe man! just funny la....
My little sister sms 4 me....i wonder who teach her type msg...(actually is me)
Dad, thx ur wishes and mum, thx ur secret recipe.....hehehehehe XD
Thx for the lame group ya....thx for the present too...=) i like it so mmmmuch~ and i open and used it on that day...i really like it so much...=D
to all my frens who wish me no matter at college or in fb, thanks to you all la....Thx d picture msg as well....=D U really "got heart"....
38 group, thx 4 ur b'day song also...u all always look so 38...384...hohoho
One of the thing i'm really suprise is, my last sem beloved teacher, superam wish me happy b'day too...He always so cute and funny....=)
And, nearly forget, i'm so touch la u all sms me to wish me all the best for my exam in this morning...=')
So, although my b'day is just NICE crash with the exam, but i'm still Ok~ la....
Thanks to brought me a such a warm b'day...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Ya...the hostel is really provide free wireless. Yet it was so damn stupid slow...!
i tried to sign in to fb but failed...It takes me almost 4 times to sign in and it was disconnect in a uncountable number... what the?? haiz!
But whatever la, because my friend lend me her laptop to online...hers can but why mine is ....aish! then she try to use mine to connect to the wireless and it success....what is the matter now? my hand problem? XD

Sunday, January 10, 2010

new layout~

This is the 2nd post for today. (p/s dunid study ka?? >.< )
Just want to express my feeling about the chat log had gone once i change a new layout for my blog and link as well. So i'm going to install back all these stuff and it takes me kinda long time to complete these. Phew! Luckily all my lovely posts are still remain... =)

Shower is my battery charger. I feel refreshed after a long cool bath. Now back to the reality, the word "exam" is again strike on my head. Owww~ Really hard to concentrate when i'm stay at home.. So, i will go back to kl tomorrow..

Hope that tomorrow will be a nice day~
Here i stop! nitez everyone!


I've told somebody about something.
Kinda regret to spoke it bring the consequence which is make somebody more sensitive and is stupid to regret about your words spoken rite...? because once you spoke it out, there is no way for you to grab back the words.
So everyone, when you want to tell people something, do think twice! And ask urself i'm in right to tell SOMEBODY about SOMETHING... Don't tell the right thing to the wrong person and it may cause unnecessary worriness...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blogging . Reading blogs

Blogger i love u!!
I found that i really enjoy blogging and reading u guys blog. Oh my, i'm getting addicted with this. Time pass in just a flip of eye, and wait for no man. yesterday i'm just visited few of my friend's blog from 2a.m something and i finisehed it all a.m!! O.o.... People are dreaming and slept so deeply but i'm just start to FORCE myself to sleep. gosh!

HiHiHiHiHiHi....i've got an uncertainty good news which may bring a great impact on my studies. >>> MY FRIEND TOLD ME THAT OUR HOSTEL CANTEEN CAN ACCESS TO INTERNET! Arrrr, grrrrr, i'm so happy and excited to heard about that and i hope it will be the real one. If it is real and i think it will be a big challenge for me. I have to control myself not too over in on9 and have to pay attention on my study...=)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

fear of it

What is the thing that college student have facing but afraid as well as worry the most? or can be say as student's killer.
1. Friendship problem
2. Love problem
3. Lack of money (shopping kaki?)
4. Pressure from parents
5. EXAM!!!! (nightmare)

ARR...Exam is just around the corner. super duper fear of it. feel that i never studied anything. I'm having the first subject "english for communication" in the coming week which is falls on 14 january, thursday.
What a nice day,i think. because god is giving me the best present on that day.
u should be thought that the present is the exam paper. now i would like to tell you all, NO! the present is not the stupid paper but is a wish=) haha...hope that i can get a result with flying colour ya=) and sure to all my friends too. B-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


i got to know my tamadun cw mark...96.. man!>.<
besides this, going to sg wang n times square to buy new shirt tomorrow...
hope can bought something back (n c leng zai? O.o) ...=)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

lucky- jASOn MrAz

听了一年的歌, 虽然中间有一段时间没有听了,

Friday, January 1, 2010


Today is the first day of this new year, happy new year!
yesterday went to genting with friends, and we were enjoying taking picture there.
Besides taking pictures, we were enjoying fireworks too=)
But, there was too many MIST until we just watch the sky with colour but not watching the fireworks. lolz! =.=
However, we shout out loud when countdowning...We look like few 38 kids although we are all 18 >.<...
i shout out my unhappiness, when i shouting 5,4,3,2 and 1, actually i'm also countdowning also my bad luck and hope it will gone after 2009... it will be my best gift that i receive in this brabd new year(",)

Recall something now...ya, actually i having hope in something until the time 11:59 on 31st dec 2009... But it doesn't realize, and what can i do?? it's over, just let it be...


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About Me

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=random =can be both optimistic and pessimistic =lame, sometimes crazy =hard to be understand = <3 tvxq. khalil. jason mraz = Yo~ Check it out!! XD i'm hardworking? maybe...=D